Fruit Trees
Industrial Crops
Traditional and Grassland Crops
Ornamental Flowers



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Apply 25 to 30 kilograms per hectare divided into 6 doses (see table 1). Due to its proven attaching properties, the combination of Eutrofit with traditional treatments (copper) has been of great interest because it helps Eutrofit remain longer on the plant and resist better the action and washing produced by strong rains.

The utilization of EUTROFIT on new plantations can be done through the roots and leaves. Both the systems help to lower the stress from being transplanted and bring a faster and homogenous adaptation to its new condition.

Cuadro 1:
Phenologic stages of the grapevine recommended for the applications.

Visible raceme Pre-flowering Flowering Closing of the
Growing of fruit

Naturally each grape grower will distribute the different applications depending on their possibilities, season, the orientations of their technician, availability of equipment, etc. However, the following issues should be considered:

a) The applications made in the first stages of the vegetative beginning time are of extreme importance for the good preparation of the plant during flowering.

b) The application during flowering makes for a faster absorption and a longer raceme and, therefore, more uniform, contributing also to effectively lowering the attacks of gray rot during humid seasons.

c) The continuation of the applications after budding will favor a better formation of the racenes.

d) The last applications during "pigmentation" will provide greater uniformity and consequently a more homogenous maturing process.

The product can be used to lower the stress during any growth stage, whenever it seems necessary. To do so, there is no need to follow dates and programmed schedules. All this will bring about very good vinification and stabilization of acidity.
Elimination of iron chlorosis eventually associated with 1 kg per hectare of iron chelate.

Apply 150 kilograms per hectare at the base of the plant during the winter.

  • Improve the plant growth in the first stages.
  • Obtain regular and complete budding.
  • Obtain more balanced, uniform, and homogenous racemes.
  • Obtain harder grapes.
  • Widen the raceme and obtain more balanced and uniform clusters.
  • Improve lignifications.
  • Improve the differentiation of the shoots.
  • Mejor tenor al stress hídrico.
  • Improve the ratio with water stress.
  • Improve the response or recuperation to the actions of hail storms and frosts.
  • Resist gray rot.
  • Reestablish entomological balance.
  • Eliminate iron chlorosis.
  • Intensify the color.
  • Enhance the aromas.
  • Allow a significant increase in the sugar ratio.
  • Improve the quality of the wine must, increase the anthocyanin and polyphenols, and balance the acidity
All this will bring about a very good vinification, which is also related to the stabilization of acidity.


Apple Tree - Pear Tree
Apricot Pulm
Peach Nectarine
Avocado Tree Papaya Tree
Olive Tree
Nranjo - Limón
Frambueso - Mora
Melón - Sandía